I graduated from Queen Margaret University in 2016 with a MSc in Physiotherapy. Prior to this, I attained a BEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University College Cork, Ireland. While moving from Engineering to Physiotherapy is not a standard or typical pathway, I believe the analytical and problem solving skills gained have allowed me to become a better Physiotherapist.
Following graduation from Queen Margaret University, I started my Physiotherapy career in the NHS and gained experience in stroke, ITU, medicine of the elderly and Orthopaedics, before specialising in Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions for the past 4 years. While working in MSK I spent 9 months training in Advanced Practice Physiotherapy. I then moved into private practice and have been working in Glasgow for the past 18 months.
My particular areas of interest are the management of all musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic conditions, pre/post operative rehabilitation, strength training, falls prevention, spine, shoulder and knee pain.
Personally, I have spent my life training for and competing in sport. I have played rugby, basketball, football, hurling and gaelic football. My most successful sport was rowing where I competed for Ireland and won 4 Irish national championships at various levels.
Now that I have retired my oars, I am primarily focused on weight training and golf, both of which I compete to a level which is painfully average. Nevertheless, this doesn't stop me chasing the 500lb deadlift and sub 75 round of golf.